Wednesday, June 29

I'm in love with the kind of people you are.

Maybe... ok... I've been avoiding blogging. Sorry.
Maybe, I don't look like a supermodel yet.
And maybe, I have no money. So I can't buy ice cream everyday.
And maybe, I'm party planning my still-pretty-big-ass off.
But I still like blogging. I promise.
My better person parade is going alright. I have whiter teeth, and I get out of my jammies most days to dress cute... P.S. I want a romper to sleep in, a shorts romper, because I already have a footie pajama romper... so someone make that happen. P.S. I don't want to look stupid in said romper. I want to look like this,
Not this...
Anyway, I'm having a pretty great week. And I have an itemized list to tell you why. (I heart lists).

1. My party planning is in full swing. I'm planning a "Surprise! You're an American Party" on the Fourth of July for my dad. My Canadian relatives are coming to celebrate their traitor offspring, and a bunch of other people are coming too. I've got a ton of fun ideas for decorating and for eating, and I'm going to dedicate a whole post to it. I'm hoping to plan parties as a job for a little bit sometime in the future (if you don't believe me, that's cool. I don't believe me either, I'm switching futures for fun these days). And, I'm planning a birthday party (can't say who for... but the theme is pink!) and two bridal showers! I'm so excited that I'm making everything myself, from the cake stands to the signs and lights.

2. When I was a freshman at the University, I took Writing 201 with a certain professor. The class was called "The Art of the Essay" and it examined all sorts of essays, from object, to personal, to political. I didn't particularly love it, but it was very interesting and the professor liked me. So that was almost two years ago. About a month before school ended this spring, I ran into that same professor on campus. He actually saw me from across the way, and went out of his way to yell, "Mary! Mary!". I turned around (slow motion, of course, because this is the story of how I fell in love with this professor) and saw him. Shocked that he remembered my name, I approached him with a "Hi there! (yes, I say "Hi there [exclamation point]" in real conversation.). "How are  you?" he asked. And I could tell that he was sincere, because his "are" was italicized. And so we chatted for a few minutes, as I gazed deeply into his eyes, and the conversation closed with a "Well, you have a good one, Mary." He was so sincere that he repeated my name! And I know that's sincere because I have a marvelous boyfriend who repeats names to be sincere all the time!

Sidebar: when I say "I fell in love with this professor", I don't mean, at all, ever, "Mr. Professor, I love you until time ends. I want to be with you and have your babies!" Nope. I don't mean that. I mean, "Wow. You are one of the nicest, most genuine people ever. And, you are clearly very very smart, and have lots to teach me. Not only that, but you clearly think I'm awesome. Let's spend some time together." That's all. I call it, people-love. As in, I'm in love with the kind of people you are. (I know it's not grammatically correct.) I'm in people-love with lots of people. Like Joan, who's my mentor, or my high school art teacher, or my college art prof. And clearly, my creative writing professor. Sidebar over.

Anyway! I wanted to take creative writing in the fall, but my schedule is pretty darn full (spanish, drawing, painting, ethics, art history, irish history)... ok, it's really full. So...instead of taking a class... I thought, why not take an independent study. So I emailed this professor of mine, because I've seen him twice at my grocery store job and feel comfortable emailing him, and said something like this,

"Um. Hi. I... well... I like you a lot... and I... um... well I like to write some... and I was wondering... ok... can I take independent study with you?" 
But, of course, it was much more professional and much less desperate than that. And he sent me a reply that said something like this...
"Mary! I've been waiting for you with bated breath. And, of course, I will teach you. I find you to be a remarkable young writer and I feel privileged to play a role, however small, in your education. 
P.S. Why, yes. I do think we might be soul mates."
(Ok, it said, "I think we can work something out. I'd like to work with you again--I really enjoyed the class we had together. I usually take on two or three independent studies per semester, and I have three, but one of them is a joint project with another professor.") 
But did you see? He likes me! and he's making an exception for me! I'm so so so excited.
P.S. I realized this just now... as the semester progresses, I'll probably give him the link to my blog... to show him that I write regularly. And he'll read back... and find this. And we'll have to have an awkward confrontation about the ethics of students calling their professors soul mates... can't wait.

3. I got accepted into a medical study for grass allergies. And they pay $50 per appointment, and there are 11 appointments... Hello, Ireland money!

4. I found a fabulous new project to try. It's a chain harness. And as underground as it may seem, I'm actually pretty excited about it. I'm making a test one for Nikki Wilkins... who will wear it and then make me famous. So ha.

5. I found a dollar on the floor yesterday and it doesn't get much better than that. Period.

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