Monday, January 24

Boston, Beaches, Battlestar Galactica

Ok... I'm a slacker... I know!
But the second I got back from Boston it was go, go, go...
Thanks, Ben.
He's been moving and I've been working at Student Affairs IT again... I'm exhausted, and it was the first day of the semester today... ugh.

Here's some photos of my delightful experience out east...
We did a lot of walking... which is the best way to see anywhere.

Went skating on Frog Pond in the Boston Commons <3

Delighted in these treasures at Urban Outfitters.
We saw this tree in Cambridge.
(Lights are tree jewelry... and appropriate in every season.)
And, I bought a hat.
Confession... I have a hat fetish. And I can't afford it. But this gorgeous wool felt creation was only $40! But I spied some beautiful designs (WAY out of my price range) from Eggcup Designs. Look at their prettiness!
And then we went to the beach... I'm in love with the ocean. I'm more water than most, I'm convinced. And I feel most home when I'm near it.

I love bubbles and the way seashells change colors under water. I love when I find a seashell upside down with water still cupped inside. I love the way the smooth insides feel and the way they are perfectly palm sized.
Here is all my treasure. I shared with Emma and Gretta.
Here's who carried my treasure :)

And then... Even though it's January. We shed our winter layers and frolicked (is there another word for it?) in the surf. It was lovely, freeing, and childish. I felt carefree.

And then we had cold feet.

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