Tuesday, March 22

On Unwinding...

I didn't have a bad day... per se...

My job infuriates me, to say the least. And I anxiously (delightedly) await the day when I won't have to solve other people's tech problems, or feel inferior and belittled. I cannot wait.
And I had a wart removed from my foot... gross I know. It hurt really bad.

The things that rocked were....

I wore a pink hat.
I won a Bop It in drawing class ( more on that later ).
I hung out with my boyfriend this morning.

But here's what I like at the end of my day...
(Say it nice and sloooow, like the word itself relaxes you).
When I get back, I clean off the mess I've piled onto my bed and I remake it, so it's nice and fluffy.
Then I climb up, and look through my favorite blogs and websites for about an hour, reading very slowly.
And I watch a half an hour of TV I missed yesterday, after that.

Yes, it's probably a waste of time, but I love how relaxed and ready I am to focus and do homework after that... it makes me happy.
I repeat, it makes me happy.

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