Saturday, April 2

On My Best Friend...

I know that everyone has that one best friend who is almost everything that you're not. It's almost hard to imagine how the two of you work, but somehow it does.
Nikki is gorgeous, talented, and absolutely lovely. She is tall and blonde where I am short and a redhead (naturally?). She has a beautiful voice, and I'm a car-singer. She's goofy and spastic and funny and I'm sarcastic and blunt. We're the best.
I've known her since I was five and she was six.
For about six or seven years, we were bitter rivals and fought incessantly.
And then we were best friends.
Now, we're like sisters. We're brutally honest with each other, which is the best.
And now, I can publicly brag about how great she is.
Nikki took off to LA to be famous about two months ago, and hit the ground running. She's always been pretty shy about her singing and I was finally able to hear her finished work last week.
But now it's on the interwebs, so I can share it with everybody!
You can listen to her music here...
"Give Me Back My Keys" is my favorite but  "I'm Not Hot" makes me laugh.
(She's in overalls (ha! love it) and I've got the blue shirt on... Photo credit to Mike(Nikki's big brother), Molly(my perfect sister), and Lindsey)

(This is her senior prom... I was at a golf tournament that day... bad hair!)

(This is my 18th birthday. Nikki has yet to miss a birthday since she quit playing competitive soccer in the springs. She's been known to show up at my place of work with flowers)

(Also... we need more recent pictures!)

1 comment:

  1. MARY you are amazing! I love you bunches and bunches......its safe to say i love you more than fruit!! I can't say anything to beat your braggyness about me but you are truly FANTABULOUS and are the greatest friend on the thats all i have to say about that my love! ;) i love you mar!


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