Tuesday, April 12

On Taking My Picture...

I'm taking a film photography class... which I love.
There is something magical about watching liquid pull an image from paper and appear beneath dim red light.
I may never go back to digital completely.
Since I haven't quite figured out the ins and outs of a camera where I can't immediately see my images, I practice on my digital camera and look at the proofs before I take my final image...
(It's cutting down on film waste significantly...)
 I'm practically obsessed with self portraits and I love love love how they've turned out.
(No, it's not narcissism... it's self awareness... which is actually a desirable trait, thank God...)
Here we go...
The first series are images about my feet and the idea of cleanliness.
(P.S. I love feet... They are the best.)

These last two are just for my personal obsession with self portraiture... let me know what you think!

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