Monday, April 18

So Many Things On My Mind...

This weekend. I went to see Molly and Chris and Jacob in Helena. It was softball weekend there...
(Which is a very big deal, with over forty teams... apparently)
I watched (with Chris) both Molly and Jacob's games... I'm very supportive.
And my sister is the best. Period.
She took me for ice cream (mom's debit card paid) and let me draw sailor tats on her...and her boyfriend... and her roommate.
Ha ha ha.
Molly got an ace of spades and a ribbon reading "Know When to Hold 'Em"
Chris got an anchor, and a hula dancer, and a mom tattoo.
Mary (the roommate... quirky coincidence) got a mermaid with ribbon reading "I Will Go Sailing No More"
Basically, I'm the funniest person in the room with a Sharpie... fear me.
I loved seeing Molly, I miss staying up late and talking to her before I fall asleep. College sucks.

Ok, onward!
I have all these pictures that I'm taking (and not showing you, dear reader, because I'm too busy to scan them... sad but true.) in photography and I'm in love.
CONFESSION: I want to be famous. Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz famous... I wanna be a household name and take 20 years worth of covers for Vanity Fair...
I love fashion. I love photography.
Seems simple doesn't it?
Obstacle One: My little bit of crazy. Ok, these brilliant artists that everyone talks about... they are all a little crazy, if not a lot crazy. And I'm (currently) not willing to tap into my crazy and give up my almost normal life. You know? I'm not cut-my-ear-off crazy.
Obstacle Two: Being that famous requires some serious persistence and drive. Like you can't have normal relationships because they get in the way.... I don't know if I'm ready for that... or if I ever will be.
But, my sister always says that positive things happen to positive people... so I'm putting it out there...
World... I want to be famous and talented.

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