Thursday, April 7


Ben's mom took me thrifting today in the little town of Hamilton...
(Apparently, according to spellcheck, "thrifting" isn't a word...)

Thrifting (v.): To thrift. The action of touring around vintage/thrift/secondhand in search of delightful finds.

It was good to explore new places with someone new (I've never hung out with Jen alone) and it was really fun.
There's a lot of junk in thrift shops... (as Jen pointed out) that is perfectly conducive to costuming. I found a delightfully ugly wedding dress, a perfect late Elizabeth Taylor beaded blue shift, and stripper leopard print platform boots...
No worries, I'm not going as a Elizabeth Taylor stripper bride for Halloween...
I did find lots of great vintage jewelry and some cross-stitching frames... Look here!
 These frames with be great for my paper sewing. And they were half-off!
 When I was in France, I saw cameos everywhere... but I waited. For a delightfully cheap vintage necklace and earrings.
 Possibilities are endless with a blank stick pin.
 I once had this same zipper necklace... and I lost it... but! I found it again... with matching 50¢ earrings!

A rooster, cockatoo, and eagle pin! (P.S. I collect vintage bird pins!)
I have a vintage pin similar to this, but all the rosettes broke off... Such a lucky day!
I heart heart shaped boxes...


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