Monday, May 30

Oh! Goodness...

Alrighty there...I know it's been a while. And I know that you are anxiously awaiting my Portland pictures (all five of you... dear devoted followers... and no, I don't kid myself in the slightest into thinking that this little blog of mine in any way features in the forefront of your mind... but do allow me a little vanity, would you? Thanks.).
And the Portland pictures are coming. There aren't too many. They mainly consist of hundreds of pictures of windmills from the car window. A couple dorky-look!-we-smushed-our-faces-together-in-the-Trader-Joe's-parking-lot-shots. SIDEBAR: I love Trader Joe's. I'm currently attempted my more financially sound parents to buy a franchise for Missoula... Great investment. Also, there is a litany of equally dorky shots of me in front of a bunch of flowers, in front of someone's house. I'm all awkward because I'm afraid someone will come out (preferably an old person, with a cane to shake) and yell at me for using their horticulture as a backdrop for my shenanigans... (Yeah, Ben, I said shenanigans... He doesn't like that word...)
But it was a great trip.
And now...  well I'm here now. And not quite sure what to do with myself, in a long-term matter of speaking. You see, short term, I'm doing the following....
  • planning a bridal shower
  • painting doors in my parent's house
  • organizing the garage (P.S. have you noticed how some people spell organise with a "s"... why?)
  • organizing the office
  • blogging about Portland, Treats Couture, and... well something else, I'll figure it out later.
But long-term... quandary. See, here's the thing, I've never been unemployed before. I mean, I once went 14 years of my life without a job. But that's it. I didn't want to work at the golf course this year because I wasn't allowed to work in the pro shop, only the kitchen, and I've applied for fourteen (fourteen!) jobs since then and haven't gotten a single interview. I'm not the type to determine my self worth by whether or not I'm employed (ok, maybe  a little bit) but this whole thing is discouraging. I'm super qualified. I've got two years waitressing experience and experience in a commercial kitchen (ok, so I should be a shoe in (shoo in?) for food service... you would think...) and I can fix basically anything wrong with your computer... and I'm not saying that in a teenage nerd way, I've actually worked in tech support for two years... and I'm 20 now... bahaha, not a teenager. Ok, maybe not italicized super qualified, but I'm qualified enough to serve you coffee. I am!
Some days, I listen to what people around me are telling me and I think, yes. I haven't had a real summer vacation since I was 13. And I can go day-to-day and work little jobs like babysitting, housesitting, go on the river and work a week, do temp work, and I could be fine. I could also go to the lake whenever I wanted and take spur of the moment camping trips (I love camping).
But then, most days, I think, I have to make x amount of dollars or I can't get my own place by Christmas. And I like money, I like shopping, and going places with friends, and you can't go on trips without money!!!
It's troublesome. And worthy of two excess exclamation points.
I'm applying for more jobs today. I think I give it until June 15th. ish. Then, I'll put all my energy into having fun, I will!
In the meantime, unemployment is forcing me to a) read good books (love!) and b) stay out late and c) get a move on with my jewelry business already!

Also! and this is important. I hit 1000 views on my blog and I'm thrilled to pieces. I'm going to finish redesigning everything and maybe have a giveaway... Although, there are only five of you, dear followers, so I might send something out to each of you. Love!

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