Wednesday, December 22

Catching Up (already)

Confession: I started this blog about four months ago. And the minute I published it, made it live, whatever, I was immediately crippled with the greatest case of writer's block EVER. I don't mean ever EVER, just within my ever. For instance, I'm sure the greats (Shakespeare, Salinger, Kay Thompson (ok, my greats)) experienced much more struggle with their own writing than I could ever hope to experience here.
So here I go. From my first post, I already feel like I'm playing catch up, just because I've had so many things to write about this fall.
To begin...
I made some big changes, took a new direction with my life, and cut my hair.
I aggressively began to dress up.
And dress down.
But mostly I dressed like a giant nerd complete with fake glasses (I invested in three separate pairs.)
These are my favorite (I bought them from an Algerian street vendor in Toulouse this summer while Molly argued with him about the World Cup).

I faked a nose piercing. And my mom started to cry over the phone.

I started my second year as an RTA, or Resident Technology Assistant at the U. I'm basically an RA for computers. This is half of my coworkers, balancing on a single bicycle.

I renewed my fascination and adoration for "heart hands". Here, I'm joined by my delightfully enthusiastic roommate, Jen. (She introduces herself as Jennifer, but I pointedly refuse to call her that. She's Jen)
I was given an elephant, who continues to be the light of my life. His name is Allan.
(I have a deep and abiding love for large, grey mammals. Manatees, elephants, and hippos are my favorites)

Allan's name stems from my all-time-end-all-be-all-favorite-YouTube-clip-of-all-time... Marcel the Shell with Shoes On.

I shopped at Target way too much (Target is the classy version of Wal-Mart, I'm convinced).
(This picture illustrates most of my favorite things... Footie jammies, play balls, child size silverware, whipped cream, and Diet Coke!)

Confession: Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. I don't (repeat don't) like scary things, at all! But I love dressing up. This year, I was Button Candy as inspired by Katy Perry's "California Girls" video. But mostly button candy. I feel like no one remembers button candy. It's red, and blue, and yellow, and it's little dots on wax paper that taste like Necco Wafers, aka gross.
Ben made a dashing Clark Kent. I'm obnoxious.

This is an Oompa Loompa who wanted a picture with me. I was not opposed.

 One of the rare pictures of me with my mouse shut.

Jen was a black angel? We couldn't make the halo stick.

I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut for pictures. This stems from early childhood.

Writer's block... vanquished. I'm sure I'll be back later today, I just have so much to say now. Is that common?
I'm going to avoid unnecessary blogging... aka "I just ate a peach" (unless the peach was really quite wonderful and juicy and delicious) or "I'm fighting with my boyfriend reh reh reh" (there is no unless for this one, it won't happen).
I'm off to embrace the Christmas season... It's my favorite.

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