Thursday, December 23

Things I'm in Love With This Morning

It's beautiful outside this morning. It's crisp and clean and everything smells like cold and snow. I love the smell of seasons. You know, like that first really cold fall night when you can smell the frost forming the next day. Or that unusually warm day in spring where you can almost taste freshly cut grass and sprinklers in the air. Today smells like winter. Why isn't that a laundry detergent smell yet? I'd buy it and all my snapping white sheets would smell like snow and be eternally cool. Cold sheets are the best.
So Number One: Snow

Number Two: This video my dad sent me this morning. Granted he emailed it to me from across the house, which is a little too much technological communication without verbal communication (my biggest pet peeve is when someone texts/IMs/emails me within shouting/walking/I'll-see-you-five-minutes distance). But I love it. I fear for the death of language in this age of technology, and Stephen Fry is so eloquent and passionate that you cannot help but agree with him.

Number Three: My bed! I moved home for winter break and I love the security of sleeping in my old room and bed. Flannel pillowcases, my blanket, and heavy comforters make me a content nester.
Number Four: A fresh cup of coffee my dad made me in a handmade cup.
Number Four: The pattern of these great $10 Ikea curtains I bought during my last family trip to Seattle.
Number Five: I'm reading for pleasure for the first time in what feels like forever... And I'm reading Fitzgerald with a renewed appreciation. I'm a Salinger fan, and haven't ever been a fan of Fitzgerald's excessive descriptions (I know they aren't really excessive. Thomas Hardy, for example, is much worse and I love him. But I like the minimalism of Salinger and Hemingway as opposed to Fitzgerald). Point is: I want to be Daisy Buchanon. Minus the crazy white-supremacist, cheating, lying rat of a husband.
Number Six: These ridiculous sunglasses that I got at Old Navy for $3. And the sunshine that provides opportunity to wear them!
Number Seven: I bought this key at Rockin Rudy's yesterday. It says "Now" on it and has a clock for the top. I made it into a bracelet as a reminder to live in the now. I'm a bit too much of a planner. (P.S. I also just love key jewelry. I have a necklace with a compass key that says "Journey" and earrings with key charms.)

Number Eight: Wool Socks. I don't feel as though I need to elaborate on that. I love them.

I'm having a great day. Coffee, and all these things I love to start my day, then lunch with a long lost best friend. Doesn't get better than this! Ten Days Til Boston!

1 comment:

  1. 2 things.. those glasses are ridiculous/awesome and i would definitely buy that laundry detergent too.


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