Friday, December 24

My Arms are Covered in Bracelets...and I'm Most Thankful

I'm writing this from my bed, around the corner of my door, and just out of sight of my mum. She's in a cleaning, cooking, get things done mood. And she's currently making E and G sort through every piece of clothing they own.
You can see why I'm hiding.
I own enough clothing for one dresser and half a closet here at home. And a full dresser, a full closet, a couple large containers, and a full laundry basket in the dorms.
Which I love.
It's Christmas Eve. And I absolutely love the fact that my stomach still twists and turns when I think about waking up tomorrow morning. I love giving presents and my line-up this year is excellent.
Everyone is getting informercial "As Seen On TV" presents.
They are quite literally the best part of my college experience. You see, I didn't have cable before I moved into the dorms. And now, I spend my nights procrastinating and eagerly watching the TV Guide channel in hopes that "Paid Programming" scrolls by.
And then I click to that channel (which is actually quite a chore that involves dancing with the remote because our TV is crap).
And then I eagerly watch as they tell me how this one thing (Shamwow, Ceramic Knife, Juicer, Spanx) is going to change my life, and how I can get two-for-one, and how the shipping is free!
I love it.

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