Wednesday, January 5

I Do Not Have Much to Say (that is my own)

I made it to Boston successfully!
The plane ride was fine, but I couldn't understand why my body temperature kept oscillating between hot and cold and why I was sweating the whole flight.
I think that, because I was so nervous about flying (for the reasons discussed yesterday), I wasn't thinking clearly enough, and I kept blaming my temperature changes on the plane's ventilation system.
That is, until I woke up feeling awful and discovered a fever of 99.8.
Which isn't terribly high, I know, but I do feel awful.
I met Ben's family (except his dad) and they are all delightful. Then I napped my day away.
So that's that.
I just finished The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. (My dad gave it to me as my annual Christmas book) Now, she wrote The Poisonwood Bible, which I loved. It follows the wife and four daughters of a missionary in Africa during one of the greatest periods of turmoil in it's history (this is not to say that Africa is without turmoil). Anyway, that book is deftly and cleverly written. It oozes of depth and humanity and it's just lovely. The Lacuna? not so much. It's about a man who's mother is Mexican and his father is American. He's in boyhood around the 1920s. Anyway, his young adult life is spent working in the houses of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo and the Trotsky's who are seeking political asylum in Mexico. I will say this for Kingsolver, the book shows evidence of great and painstaking research and she successfully fleshes out true historical characters, particularly Frida Kahlo. Anyway, the man, Shepard, is a novelist and the book is an attempt to explore beauty and truth in art and politics. SPOILER ALERT: He eventually becomes victim to the Red Scare in the 1950s and has to leave America. But the book feels shallow and doesn't accomplish what it sets out to do. However, it's entertaining, interesting, and a good history lesson from an artistic perspective (yay!).

I dog-eared the most memorable quotes from the book.
"God gave rich people money because without it, they would starve" (Shepard's mother)
"LEt the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full." Trotsky
"This strange day. Early snow, and a visit from the FBI." Shepard

I'm going to take a nap :)

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