Tuesday, January 4

I'm on my way!
(to Boston, that is)
I haven't been before. And that makes me VERY EXCITED! (so much so that I'm tempted to include about 30,000 more exclamation points ala thirteen year old girls and elderly brand-new computer users.  (Why no. I'm not prone to exaggeration or hyperbole in the slightest)
So... Yay!
Number-One-Thing-I-Love-About-Today: I'm headed to Boston. Boston, the home of Good Will Hunting, Harvard, and... accents I'm dying to imitate. :)
Number-Two: My flight to Denver (whoops, I'm currently in Denver) wasn't too bad.
(Confession: I loathe flying. I don't like when my stomach jolts and flips when the plane takes off, lands, goes through turbulence. I don't like having to use a ridiculously small bathroom (repeatedly, I have to go to the bathroom about every half hour. I am NOT the ideal candidate for road trips). I don't  like recycled air. I don't like popping my ears. I don't like any of it, AT ALL!)
But today wasn't that bad. I sat in the second row (which was a delightful change from our flights to Arizona when we sat in the way back next to the engines) across from a mom with cute babies. The girl who squeezed into the window seat next to me was probably 16 or so and had her dad's contact information stored in her phone as "Daddy", which I think is adorable. She was almost painfully shy and refused eye contact. But she was so stinking  cute with her insecure, bad posture and her hair in front of her eyes that I wanted to be her friend. So I lent her my Vogue when I was done with it, and she seemed delighted. Yay for happy airline interactions.
Number-Three: I painted my nails late last night, and they have yet to chip or crack or be bitten off. Also, they are Tiffany blue.
I love Tiffany's. I mean, I'm sure (if asked) most people (ok, women) would say they love Tiffany's as well. Recently, they came out with these diamond encrusted  key pieces, and I was a forever fan. I love key jewelry.
Number-Four: I love my luggage (minus the back pain). My checked bag is part of my graduation luggage set that my grandparents gave me for Europe (P.S. How classy is a luggage set for graduation?). My purse is a beautiful yellow leather thing, that I absolutely adore. I found it in Arizona after searching for months (in vain) for a giant, leather, yellow bag. And my carry-on? Well, Molly and I found it in an Arizonian flea market for twelve bucks. It's huge, heavy, and zebra striped with neon blue piping. (Awesome, right?)
Problem is... I have a laptop, camera, two books, and a Christmas present (I'm not telling!) and the thing has no wheels!
Meaning, I'm walking as fast as I can because that means I can sit down quicker. I think my shoulders are red from the biting shoulder strap. But it was twelve bucks, it's adorable and obnoxious at the same time, and it gets the job done.
Number-Five: I'll let the picture do the talking...
Hurray for ice cream! I think I'll treat myself. Does it still count as a treat when it's a daily ritual?

Next stop! Boston!

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