Sunday, January 2

Oh! I forgot!

Here are a few awesome things I did this fall that I forgot to mention.
(Really, I can't believe it either, most are too amazing to forget)

Let me preface this by saying: I like to work BIG.
(I'm perfectly bummed that THIS is the biggest typeface. What a disappointment.)
By saying I like to work BIG I mean that, if given a choice between painting a mural or a postcard, I will choose the mural every single time.
To sum up, some words I live by (always): Go big or go home. 
To begin: The Robot
Anybody can dress up for Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), but I dressed up as a robot. They aren't living, right?

My delightful roommate, Jennifer, and I created THE FORT, the original, during finals week last spring. It seemed only fitting that we create a second, better fort for finals week this fall. We love our forts.
 My side:
 Jen's side:
 And a view from the top:
That same week, finals week, I was inspired by this clip of The Office.
Which resulted in gift wrapping my entire office. With the help of Taylor, Ben, and Jen and 600 square feet of wrapping paper, the night ending with this.
Right down to the smallest detail...
My cohorts in spreading Christmas cheer...
(This is the only picture where Ben wasn't sticking out of the frame (he's much too tall). Unfortunately, it's not a particularly good picture. Oh well!)
And finally: ART
This first piece is a psychological self portrait. It's 5'5 by 5'8 (like I said, I like to work BIG) and has a gridded thread every square inch. On the 19th and 19th intersection, there is a tiny gold spiral. The piece is meant to show me, and how I measure myself. By how old I am, who I know, what I've done. But all of these measurements are nothing without comparisons or intersections with others. And that's why the intersection is a focal point. 
The piece (Measurement) was accepted into the Annual Juried Student Art show at the University. It was one of the few pieces that wasn't ceramic. I was very proud and it was one of those very rare moments where I felt validated. 
I felt as though an Fine Arts major was worth it and it was a valid choice for my life path. And that made me happy.

And this final piece was just a "Go big or go home" kind of thing. It's an ice cream cone, with twenty scoops of ice cream. They are cast clay spheres and stacked on a real ice cream cone and topped with a real cherry. (It's supposed to tilt, to give it a sense of wobble (if that's a thing))

1 comment:

  1. All of this is incredible, dear! I love it. Especially your artwork. <3


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