Sunday, January 2

Christmas Break Report

Here's what I did this Christmas vacation... So far :)
I got a sleeping bag from Santa. This means no more borrowing my mom's, dad's, or sister's anytime I want to go camping. Santa is the best.
My adorable sister Emma (10) bought me XXL little boys monster slippers. RAWR
I themed my presents this year. And my theme was... INFORMERCIALS! Here's Molly with some Smooth-Away.

Here's a picture of my lovely, deep red, velvety roses from Ben. Such the best.
 And then, we went to Arizona. Missoula, this winter at least, is the land of perpetual snow, which I love. I absolutely love (in italics) snow! I think I'll post an entry entirely dedicated to the subject, soon!
Arizona... I don't know what to think. Arizona is an older woman, trying desperately to look younger. She is leathered, tanned, and wrinkly. She's spiny and cranky. But then she has these moments where you look at her weathered face and her wide sky-blue eyes take you in. Her necklace of silver and turquoise lakes is the most distinguishing characteristic, and you don't notice the dust under her fingernails.
One thing I will say, the sky there... huge. I come from "The Big Sky" and it's not big like that. The Arizona sky is white in the days, like the white-hot sky of Montana July's, even when it isn't warm. It's so big that you're afraid to look up, for fear that it will take your breath away.
The clouded sky over cotton fields.
The following are my amateur attempts at outdoor photography.

We stopped at Canyon Lake, in the Superstition Mountains, and it was so beautiful, I forgot I was in Arizona. Gretta was kind enough to model for me. (And really, it's quite kind. She's going through a phase where she refuses to smile for cameras)

Here's Molly licking a cactus. She has a thing for licking buildings in France... Why not a cactus?
Confession: I have a new obsession. Wood grain. These beautiful patterns were seen in a ghost town near Mesa.

AH! I forgot to mention, We (the whole family + my Opa) were hiking. Gretta and I were in between Emma and Dad, and Mum and Molly. She was ahead of me and I was about to step to follow her when... A TARANTULA RAN BETWEEN US!
I'm not afraid of spiders. Unless they are the size of your palm and furry. I tried to grab Gretta, but she told me (bravely, through tears) that she was going to continue up. I ran down the mountain, slipping on the sand the whole way. Eventually, Dad had to bring a crying Gretta down the mountain. And the two of us ran back to the car and told Gramma (buggered up with a knee injury) about our brave exploits.

We went to the Museum of Musical Instruments in Phoenix one day. It was jam packed with people and instruments from all over the globe, spanning centuries. Pictured is the infamous "Air Guitar" (ha!) and the piano that John Lennon composed "Imagine" on. I about went into a dead faint when I saw it. I adore John Lennon.

Then, we went to the Art Museum. YAY!
This is an Anish Kapoor, who, if you aren't familiar, is an uber-famous, contemporary sculptor. If you look close, you can see me taking the picture. I love the way he approaches form and space within a gallery setting.
Then, I saw the most amazing fashion collection from Russian model, Tatiana Sorokko. This dress was my favorite.
Then, I saw a piece by Vik Muniz. Who I love. Should you get the chance, you should watch his documentary, WORST POSSIBLE ILLUSION: The Curiosity Cabinet of Vik Muniz.
Then, I saw a Wayne Tibeau and an Andy Warhol screen print. (Ben, I know you hate Andy Warhol)

The most memorable was Yayoi Kusama's "You Who are Getting Obliterated in the Dancing Swarm of Fireflies" (Is that a great title or what?)
It features a room covered, absolutely covered, from ceiling to floor and wall to wall in mirrors. There are no overhead lights. Then, dangling from the ceiling are seemingly infinite strands of LED lights set to go off in color coordinated intervals. Because of the lack of light and mirrors, you find yourself in finite, disorientating space. It was amazing and inspiring. I want to work in installation, pieces that take up entire rooms.

The following pictures are from a harvested cotton field and a field where sheep were grazing. Unfortunately, all (I mean all) the sheep ran away when approached with a unified "Baaaaaaa". 

Oh! And we lit fireworks off for New Years. I celebrated the New Year in Boston (two hours ahead) and went to sleep early.

To finish, I love my beautiful family.

Oh! P.S. I'm going to Boston to see this kid in two days! (Lucky me)

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