Sunday, February 27

On Inspiration... (If you follow me, I'll follow you.)

I love this new blog thing... I promise.
But oftentimes, it's not what I want to do when I'm sick/tired/stressed/bored/insert-negative-emotion-here. Reh.
So... I save all these pages on my web browser, and I read what they have to say before I say anything. Which works most of the time.
There's this movement in blogging that I'm just recently finding (and loving) composed of women who blog for a living. Sure, it usually goes hand-in-hand with another business that utilizes the internet (party planning, fashion, web design, hand made objects), but it's just so neat.
I first ran into this "movement" on Ben's sisters blog. Elizabeth had a blog and matching Etsy shop and I thought it was just about the greatest idea I've ever seen.
I'm getting there... My end goal is to link my blog with an Etsy store that sells handmade jewelry made from recycled costume jewelry, as well as handmade greeting cards...
But in the meantime...
Here's what I'm inspired by...
(For your convenience, I'll divide the blogs and other sites. Other sites first.) - for all things beautiful and handmade.
Modcloth Dresses - Just to get my "ooh, it looks pretty" fix.
SoulPancake - This is basically a creative forum for anyone about anything! I love it! You can follow my responses to questions. I'm  "IceCreamLoveAffair" :). If you follow me, I'll follow you.

And then... Blogs! I basically read this long litany of blogs everyday.
First, belonging to my love, Katie
Love, Literature, and London  - her critical looks at theatre in London are brilliant and her pure joy at seeing the U.K. is contagious.
The Cozyhunter - Golriz Lucina is an awesome blogger to follow. She's part of the creative team for SoulPancake and her gorgeous handmade wedding was featured on Etsy.
Where The Lovely Things Are - Just a collection blog of awesome (hence the title).
You Are My Fave - I love this blog and it's a recent find. I find that Melanie is so sincere in her "faves". And, she emails you back every time you leave a comment! I'm trying to adopt that kind of attitude with everyone who leaves me a comment (but I'm commenting and not emailing).
In Honor of Design - I, first off, love the design of this blog, but it just has cool stuff on it. Yay! (If you haven't noticed, I'm big on feel good blogs.)
I Art U - Really, the title has to say it all.
A Diary of Lovely - again, just pretty things to get my brain working...
Knight Cat - This is where I get all my fashion pictures. It takes a second to load, but so worth the wait. I found these today from Emilio Pucci.


  1. You linked me! Eeee! Thank you so much, darling. Also, a blog I think you'd really love (done by one of those women you mentioned who blogs for a living) is Epbot. It's actually a spin-off of Cake Wrecks, which is also wonderfully hilarious, but Epbot covers a broader range of topics, including Disney, cute things, steampunk, crafty tutorials, geekery, etc. It's really great.

    Anyway, love you, and I love the enthusiasm you pour into this. ^_^

  2. Of course I linked you! We're going to to be famous together!
    Thanks for the suggestion! I'm all about this blogging stuff now. Love it!
    I'm in the process of writing you a gigantic email. Yay!

  3. thanks for commenting on my blog and for linking to it!

    chalkboard piggy banks are a fantastic idea! i'm excited to e-meet another creative kindred spirit!

  4. I'm so thrilled you commented on my blog! Great to meet you too :)


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