Wednesday, March 2

On Things I Love...

This week has been awesome. Let me list the great things about Monday, first...
1. I was interviewed and hired to be the head (!) debate coach at a local high school! I'm beside myself. If you don't know me (which is ok, why would you?) you wouldn't know that I'm in some serious love with high school policy debate, for the following reasons...
          1.a. I'm really good at it. My partner (Katie, who's better than me) and I won state in high school.
          1.b. I love it. I'm a really logical person, deep down, and it appeals to my need to present things in a      outline list format... as illustrated in this post.
          1.c. I love helping people learn to speak and present effectively.
          1.d. I've never coached anything before, and I'm very excited (I guess that's not a reason why I love high school policy debate, but it sure could be!)
2. I went home and hung out with my sisters. Little kids are awesome, enough said.
3. An old high school classmate of mine who I never talk to but sometimes see got me free gelato when I stopped by the cafe where he works. Yay!

Ok, so Monday was awesome. Tuesday?
Tuesday consisted of this really great pizza...
I made it! and I'm not the greatest cook, so accomplishment! It's Thai peanut sauce, red bell peppers, green and red onion, chicken, mozzarella, snow peas and mandarin oranges. I call it, Sunshine Pizza!
Then, Ben and I bought candy necklaces for dessert for a quarter each...

(I so wish Penny Candy was still a thing... For that matter, I wish pennies were still a big deal...)

And then (and then!) I made two new prototypes for my (future) Etsy Shop... The first is Sugar, and it's made of repurposed costume jewelry. And the second is Spice, and it is made from repurposed jewelry and hardware (like nuts, a washer...)! (Please (!) tell me what you think!)


  1. You are going to be such a kick-ass debate coach! :D

    Also, adore the jewelry. And the pizza sounds so good!

    PS: I am not better than you. If anything, you're better. And if you refuse that title, well, we have different and complimentary styles that work together to sway all types of judges to our favor. ^_^

  2. I'm so excited, you know I'm calling you in to consult!
    And you're the first person to mention the jewelry, so thanks for making my day!


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