Friday, March 18

Hello Seattle!

Last weekend (yes, I know I'm late) I went to Seattle to see one of my favorite bands of all time.
I had such a great trip!
Yes, I left at six pm on Friday, and yes I woke up at seven am the next day for a work emergency, and yes I drove all Sunday to get back on time for work.
But it was so worth it.
Enough with the suspense, I saw Great Big Sea at the Moore theatre.
They were amazing! The vocal harmony was so deep and so pure and it resonated in my chest. I'm in love.
If you haven't heard of Great Big Sea (shame!), they are a folk-rock group from Newfoundland, Canada. Their music is mostly folk songs with rock and Gaelic influence. Yay!

So that was perfect.
We also went to Pike's Place Market (which may very well be my most favorite place on the planet). By we, I mean my entire family, and Molly's boyfriend Chris.
I miss my family.
I miss the littles pouting because they hate the market.
But I love it...
(And I bought owl shaped things for my collection exchange partner! More on that, after I mail it).


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