Thursday, March 3

My idea of a perfect afternoon (Dirty Dancing)

G I stopped by my house to pick up an art project, and stayed for a couple hours. I ate some ice cream, worked on an art project (pictures to come) and watched one of my all time favorite movies...

Dirty Dancing.

I love everything about it. I might dedicate an entire post to pictures when I'm on a computer (I'm blogging from my phone, so high tech) from the movie. I love the Hungry Eyes dancing montage, especially when Baby can't stop laughing when Johnny Castle tries to sexily trail his hand down her body. (I could refer to them as Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze, but its not as fun!)
And, I'm convinced that Dirty Dancing has the best opening line of any movie, ever.

"It was the summer of 1963, when everybody called me Baby and it didn't occur to me to mind. It was before Kennedy got shot, before The Beatles, when I wanted to join the Peace Corps and I didn't think i'd ever find a guy as great as my dad."

What's your favorite opening line from a movie?

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