Wednesday, March 9

Oh! Today!

Today is a Wednesday... and... as everyone knows... Wednesdays are the worst.
(Especially when you're a sickly waif of a person like me.)
I'm over mono (after spreading it to my nearest and dearest... Ben and Miss Emma) and now I'm dealing with the fatigue of anemia. And I have a cold.
That's how I feel about that!
Moving on to happier things... first, I spotted this party at, specifically here.
It's an Ice Cream Party! and... as everyone knows, nothing is better than ice cream.
Ben told me yesterday that I should consider ice cream to be like the sun, you need thirty minutes a day to stay healthy... I couldn't agree more.
So here's what I love... it's ice cream and it's a party!
(I love parties).
Fun Fact: I'm thinking about selling my party planning skills this summer... would you hire me? I've only planned a handful of kids parties before, but I have lots of great ideas and crafty things. 
Here are some pictures from the party....
I want the ice cream cone hat!
Speaking of hats, which is to say I love them... I'm thinking about posting the outfits I'm wearing on here. I'm trying to (slowly) clear my closet of any excess... and there is a lot of excess.
This means removing anything that doesn't fit into the following categories...
1. It fits.
2. It's classy.
3. It's a dress.
4. I love it.
5. I don't wear it all the time.

Recently I've been wearing some pretty awesome stuff. I'm picking out my outfits the night  before (very grade school of me) and then I'm not wandering around campus in some bleary morning version of what I want to wear... :)
I think I'll post later tonight on my film photography... I love it!

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