Wednesday, March 9

Poetry class...

A poem about poetry class...

Poetry class is better
When I'm armed with
A buttery rice crispy treat
And a banana.
My professor is the type of man
Who would have
A lilac bandana
In his back pocket...
And he does.

Tada! I'm poetic.
Confession: I'm afraid to post my poetry in public, even though I'm a creative writing minor with an emphasis in poetry.

P.S. some guy in my class why I used parentheses... (it's because I heart them)...
(Parentheses are the bee's knees, best thing ever)


  1. Parentheses are great (says the person who actually put in the biography on her blog that parenthetical asides feature prominently in her writing)!

    Also, I love your poem. The "And he does" is just perfect.

  2. <3!
    I can't wait to see you!
    Travel safe


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