Wednesday, March 30

Regular Blog Features...

I know I often use this little blog o' mine as a storing place for my multitude of personal lists...
I heart lists.
So here is another one.
I call this list... "List of (Potential) Features for Blog"
1. Style Profiles... as seen on Design Darling. This feature would...
      a. Showcase a particular stylish individual that I love.
      b. Hopefully inspire me to dress well on a daily basis and (occasionally) run a brush through my hair.
2. Wednesday Poetry Class... well, this already exists, but I love it.
3. Sunday Style Profile: A little bit of my personal style (spotted here).
4. Sister Style: about what my sisters do during the week/ what they wear (spotted here. ) It will have to wait until E & G are much older though.... Even though they're fabulous at young ages :)
5. Profiles on other bloggers... great for networking and for supporting the blogging community. (Similar to A Diary Of Lovely).
6. Featured Product: Something pretty from my upcoming Etsy store!

Ok, well that's six weekly options... some might have to be bi-monthly. I'm so excited for the future (which is a really great feeling),

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