Tuesday, March 29

On Learning...

School has been kinda meh lately... And I know that it largely has to do with my illness...
(Sickness, who needs it?)
Anyway, I got really fired up today after reading "The Roots of Postmodernism" by William Dunning.
He's not a good writer... He's an art critic which should but does not a coherent, organized writer make.
But it's so so so interesting to see how the roots of our contemporary arts culture are found in the antiquity of art. I mean...  yes... of course, postmodernism has roots from a long time ago. But a really long time ago and from the oddest places. My favorite thoughts (so far) are about the carnival grotesque,  the universal language, schizophrenia as a core root of postmodernism, and symbol sets.
So go learn! Be smart!
(Yay school!)

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