Wednesday, April 27


I miss living at home!
I really do!
Especially around the holidays.
Going to church with my mom and sister felt so familiar (and it made me feel awful guilty about slacking off on my church going).
I took Ben to Easter vigil.. I think I sorta shocked him. Easter vigil is kinda intense for a non-Catholic.
Oh well.
And on Sunday!
Ben and Chris went fishing (hereafter known as "The Boyfriend Team")
And we all got dressed up and went to church, all six of us.
And then!
Peter and Jack came over (like they've been doing for more than 10 years) with their parents.
We went to the park and played Hot Lava Monster, and foursquare, and kickball, and whiffleball.
And then we had The Easter Egg Hunt.
It's deserving of its title.
It's a knockdown, drag-out, run-as-fast-as-you-can war.
Molly won. (Go her.)
This is all of us (The Boyfriend Team is new this year... they didn't get very many eggs)

Gretta got her own picture, because she refuses to participate in group pictures right now. She also refused to pick up empty eggs. As such, she made the most money, and got the most candy, even though Molly quadrupled her egg count. Clever.
Happy Easter!

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