Wednesday, April 6

On Being Alone...

Ben and I came up to his parents' house for a couple days over spring break.
It (the house) is way up in the mountains and seems to be all alone.
The minute we got here, Ben sprinted out onto a motorcycle... and left me alone to work on the blog (there's a new page!) and cook dinner...
Nice man-friend I have.
But I'm up here, by a big window, quietly typing alone.
And it makes me perfectly content.
And perfectly content is pretty great, if you ask me.

I have so much work to do, and a serious case of procrastination. I have five (count em!) drawings due, and I promised to start my Etsy shop, and I have biology and poetry homework.
In the meantime, I'm going to be blissfully procrastinating and cooking and enjoying some quiet time in the mountains...

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