Tuesday, April 5

On Writing...

I was reminded by a blogger I follow (cozyhunter.com) that blogs could sometimes become just a roll of images and quick thoughts.
So I should write something, right?
This weekend I spent time with my family and it was wonderful. We went to the hot springs, and it was a welcome break from work, school, and hip pain.
I've been struggling with hip pain for more than six years, and hot springs are my favorite!
P.S. I love being outside in hot springs when it's snowing.
That was the best thing.
The worst was that some silly woman named Stephanie... or Steph (as her nearest and dearest apparently call her) gave out my number as hers. And that's aggravating because I've received no less than 6 (6!) phone calls from different numbers and people.

There should be a wrong number phone tree.


  1. i'm sorry to hear about your hip pain! hot springs are amazing though. i miss the ones in new zealand...i don't think LA really 'does' hot springs. :)

  2. Well that's a bummer! definitely in the cons list for any given city :)


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