Thursday, June 9

RAH! (it's the word of the day)

and by RAH... I don't mean "rawr" as in dinosaur... and I don't mean "reh" as in "reh, reh, reh, you complain a lot.
I mean RAH, like in your face cheerleading RAH RAH RAH GO TEAM GO...
(even though I was a cheerleader for a brief, ill-advised, semester of high school... we never said RAH once... I was tres disappointed)
I keep thinking RAH in my head when something goes my way... and ...reh... when it doesn't. Here's my RAH moments.
Sleeping in... RAH.
 Waking up and realizing no one is around... going back to sleep RAH

Getting sick and not getting out of bed all day... reh.

Finally dragging my butt out of bed and my sister Molly gives me a belated birthday present. It's a pearl ring! Gah! I'll post a picture... now. I'll post one now. It's a pearl with celtic knots on the sides and I love it... RAH.
I heart it.

Telling E and SuSu that Ben proposed to me with said ring. RAH.
Telling Ben we're engaged... reh.

Wanting to wear shorts and it's raining... in June. and fuh-reeeeezing. reh.
Wearing them anyway with wool socks + legwarmers (you know your life is awesome and you live in a too-cold place when you need both) and knee high boots...RAH.
Wearing plaid and a different plaid together... black and white scarf (ala the Rachel Ray incident) and purple and orange plaid shirt (Molly was napping when I borrowed it... heh.) RAH

Writing a love note to someone I miss a lot... on post it notes... RAH.
I'm liking today lots.

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